Beginning 2021/2022 school year and beyond, we are striving to make Pan-APA a platform that NOT only discuss issues relevant to Africa and the African Diaspora, but we will also work to become part of a solution. 
What are these issues? 
There are many issues that affect the African people that we as an organization can help contribute to a solution. Some of these issues include:  
  • Access to education—including improving quality and keeping girls in schools
  • Eradication of extreme hunger and poverty 
  • Improving access to health and healthcare service—health literacy 
By contributing to these developmental goals, we establish our organization’s presence and MAKE AN IMPACT in Africa 
Pan-APA will be launching our fundraising initiative: ‘Give Back to Africa Fund’ 
Members of the organization will decide on which issue/cause will be supported each year!! 
Fund-Raising Events 
  • Running concession stands at the Football Game.
  • Penn State Giving Tuesday (Congratulations!! Pan-APA won most student donor challenge).
  • Pan-APA events: African Festival, Jollof competition etc.